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Other / Credits

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 4.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Bolt is Open Source, and as such it uses other Open Source components. If you are a developer you're very welcome to help in the further development of Bolt.

The Bolt project was founded by Bob den Otter, and has become a thriving project ever since, with the help of many contributors. See the contributors page on GitHub for details.

The continuing development of Bolt is backed by Two Kings web development. Contact us at info [@] bolt.cm.

All parts of Bolt are free to use under the open-source MIT license.

If you'd like to use Bolt under another license, or would like continuous commercial support, feel free to contact us at commercialsupport [@] bolt.cm.

Libraries & Components UsedΒΆ

Below are some of the many third party libraries that are used by Bolt:

  • Symfony PHP framework
  • Doctrine DBAL for database access and abstraction
  • Twig the flexible, fast, and secure template engine
  • Guzzle HTTP client
  • Bootstrap HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
  • Vue.js JavaScript framework
  • Font Awesome iconic font and CSS toolkit
  • jQuery a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
  • Pseudo-latin Lorem Ipsum dummy-texts are generated by Loripsum.net

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