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HOWTOs / Setting Up cURL SSL/TLS Certificate Authority Certificates

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 4.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

If your system is not correctly set up with SSL/TLS Certificate Authority (CA) certificates, you might get the following error:

Curl (60) SSL Certificate Problem: Unable to get local issuer certificate

Note: This is a system configuration problem, and not specific to either cURL or Bolt. The information here is provided as a useful starting point only.

Installing Automatically Converted CA Certificates from mozilla.orgΒΆ

  1. Download cacert.pem
  2. Move the cacert.pem file to the affected computer, e.g.
    • /etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem
    • C:\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem
  3. Edit the php.ini file and change the curl.cainfo parameter, e.g.
curl.cainfo = "/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem"
curl.cainfo = "C:\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"

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