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HOWTOs / Encore setup

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 4.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Bolt uses Symfony's Encore internally to build the admin pages. Follow the steps below to use encore in your own Bolt-based project.

Install encore

Follow the installation steps for Encore. Note that if you've installed Bolt using the bolt/project as a template your project is not a flex project. You'll have to add some of the configuration files yourself.


One step in the installation of encore is to create the webpack.config.js file. For the rest of the configuration important setting is setOutputPath.

# file: webpack.config.js
    // directory where compiled assets will be stored
    // this has to match the path specified in webpack_encore.yaml and assets.yaml
    // the 'app' is relevant for your encore_entry_*_tags() calls
    .addEntry('app', './assets/app.js')

Make sure that this path isn't the same as the one in use by Bolt, so DON'T make it public/assets/

Encore/Webpack will generate an entrypoints.json and manifest.json in the directory specified as outputPath. These files are needed to by asset() and encore_entry_*_tags() to generate the correct links to the resources.

Making encoreentry*_tags() work

To get the js (and maybe css included by webpack) into your page you should first configure config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml to use the correct entrypoints and manifest for your configuration.

After changes config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml could look like this:

file: config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml
    # The path where Encore is building the assets.
    # This should match Encore.setOutputPath() in webpack.config.js.
    output_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/%bolt.public_folder%/assets' # <-- this is the existing config for bolt's own assets
        my-site: '%kernel.project_dir%/%bolt.public_folder%/my-assets' # <-- this points to your site's assets

After this change you can use these calls in your templates and get the correct js/css

{{ encore_entry_link_tags('app', null, 'my-site') }}
{{ encore_entry_script_tags('app', null, 'my-site') }}

Here 'my-site' refers to the 'my-site' specified under builds in webpack_encore.yaml. The 'app' is a reference the the 'app' defined using addEntry() in your webpack.config.js.

Making assets() work

For the assets() calls a similar configuration addition has to be made:

# file: config/packages/assets.yaml
        json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/%bolt.public_folder%/assets/manifest.json' # <-- this is the existing config for bolt's own assets
                json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/%bolt.public_folder%/my-assets/manifest.json' # <-- this points to your site's assets

After making this change you can reference your assets like this if you've copied them using (copyFiles)[https://symfony.com/doc/current/frontend/encore/copy-files.html]

{{ asset('my-assets/images/home-map.png', 'my-site') }}

Here 'my-site' refers to the 'my-site' under packages in assets.yaml

Build your files using encore (yarn ...), and refresh the page!

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