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Core development / Related HOWTOs / Useful git commands

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This HOWTO is aimed at people doing development, or debugging, of Bolt.

They are not recommended as installation guides especially for production environments.

WARNING: Always make backups!


This HOWTO makes the following assumptions throughout

  • Bolt's main repository remote is called "upstream"
  • Your personal fork of the bolt/bolt repository remote is called "origin"
  • X.Y notation is used to refer the semantic versioning of "minor" and "patch" release numbers.

Cloning Bolt

To clone the main Bolt repository, simply clone and name the remote repository.

mkdir /my/bolt/clone/directory
cd /my/bolt/clone/directory
# Note the dot at the end of the next line!
git clone https://github.com/bolt/bolt.git .
git remote rename origin upstream

You can now get changes for Bolt's main repository by simply pulling the branch your are tracking.

Following (tracking) a new branch

Tracking a (pre-)release branch is done by minor and patch numbers.

git fetch upstream
git checkout -b X.Y upstream/X.Y

Firstly, this does a "fetch" of Bolt's main repository, meaning it retrieves the changes to git's database and updates its internal knowledge of upstream's branches, without applying them to your local branches.

The second command will then create the branch X.Y as-at the current git HEAD commit on upstream's X.Ybranch.

What branch am I on?

A useful trick to keep in mind, to identify the branch you are on, you can use the git branch command.

It will output a list of your local branches, with the active (current) one prefixed with a *.

* 3.1

Setting your Bolt fork as a remote

git remote add origin https://github.com/YourName/bolt.git

What remote repositories am I connected to?

git remote -v

Will show output similar to:

origin      git@github.com:YourName/bolt.git (fetch)
origin      git@github.com:YourName/bolt.git (push)
upstream    https://github.com/bolt/bolt.git (fetch)
upstream    https://github.com/bolt/bolt.git (push)

Change status of current branch

To determine if your currently checked out git branch has uncommitted changes, git status is your friend.

Always keep this command in regular use.

If nothing has change the output will be similar to:

On branch hotfix/issue-1555
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/hotfix/issue-1555'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Switching branches

git checkout X.Y

Updating a tracked branch

git pull

Updating a un-tracked branch from Bolt

git pull upstream X.Y

Updating master branch from Bolt's master

git checkout master
git pull upstream master

Showing the changes to the current branch

These assume that you created the current branch from the starting point of X.Y branch.

Not that changes that have been pulled into the local branch your are comparing will also show.

Log entries

To see an abbreviated list, or one commit per-line:

git log --oneline X.Y..HEAD

Omitting the --oneline provides more verbose change logs.

File(s) that change

git diff --stat X.Y..HEAD

Will give some output similar to:

 src/Application.php         |  6 +-----
 src/Controller/Frontend.php | 11 ++++++++++-
 src/Stack.php               | 18 ++++++++++++------

Removing the --stat will show the summary of differences to lines.

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