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Upgrading / Converting (advanced)

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 3.7. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

This page describes the process of converting an existing Bolt 2.2 install to Bolt 3.7. Use this method if you're running a non-default Bolt installation, like a customized Composer install.

If you're running a default Bolt 2.2 install, see this.

Before you start, make sure you've made the preparations, as described here.

Getting the latest version via composer

Go to your composer.json file in the root of your project and make the following modifications to the require: block.

"bolt/bolt": "^3.7",
"bolt/filesystem": "^2.0",
"bolt/thumbs": "^3.0",

It's likely that you already have an entry for bolt/bolt so you will need to just adjust the version constraint. If you don't have an entry for filesystem and thumbs you will need to add them too.

Finally you will need to ensure the scripts section contains the following event handlers:

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
            "nut extensions:setup"

Once this is complete, run composer update to get the latest versions. The command should run and you'll now be running on Bolt 3.7.

Getting the latest version via download

If you don't use composer to install Bolt then you can follow the instructions in the updating section. Once you have the latest version installed you can return to this page.

Disabling your extensions

You'll need to use a command-line to do this part. Since extensions aren't compatible between major versions of Bolt we'll need to disable all the current ones and then later in the process we can install ones that have a version compatible with version 3.7. If you haven't done already it may be a good idea to keep a note of which extensions you had installed, an easy way to see this is by looking in the require section of extensions/composer.json.

From within your extensions directory run the following two commands.

rm -Rf ./vendor/

composer dump-autoload

This will disable any extensions from loading into Bolt and prevent any fatal errors from incompatible extensions.

When you get to the frontend you may still have issues where you are calling extension functions from within your theme twig templates. If this is the case you may also have to temporarily comment these out until you have the relevant extension installed and working.

Updating Other Files

Bolt 3.7 has a couple other files that won't get automatically updated by Composer. First, you'll need to remove nut and make a symlink to the one included with Bolt 3:

rm app/nut
ln -s vendor/bolt/bolt/app/nut

Bolt 3 supports customising certain filesystem path locations. See the section on Customising Bootstrapping for more information.

index.php has also changed, so update accordingly:


 * `dirname(__FILE__)` is intentional to support PHP 5.2 until legacy.php can be shown.
/** @var Silex\Application|false $app */
$app = require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/bolt/bolt/app/web.php';

// If web.php returns false, meaning the path is a file, pass it along.
if ($app === false) {
    return false;


Updating your Controllers

Bolt 3.7 has seen a major refactor and simplification of the Request -> Dispatch -> Controller code so if your site uses a custom controller this is likely to be the first set of errors you will run into.

Firstly controllers have moved to a new namespace, it's likely that if you have a custom controller you will have extended the default Bolt frontend controller which previously was at Bolt\Controllers\Frontend, this is a simple change, you will need to change this to Bolt\Controller\Frontend.

In many cases this may be enough to get your app running, however if you are calling any of the main Bolt frontend methods then the method signature has changed and you will need to adjust the calls.

For instance you may see this error:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Bolt\Controller\Frontend::record() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request

This is because the methods now only receive a Request object rather than passing in the entire Application object.

So the change will look like this:

Before: parent::listing($app, $contenttypeslug); or parent::record($app, $contenttypeslug, $slug); After: parent::listing($app['request'], $contenttypeslug); or parent::record($app['request'], $contenttypeslug, $slug);

Some notes on removed or renamed services

You may well be able to ignore this section if your site makes very few alterations to the core behaviour of Bolt. If you see some fatal errors on startup check the list below.


The signature of the Bolt routing class has changed so if you see the below:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Bolt\Controller\Requirement::__construct() must be an instance of Bolt\Config, none given

You need to alter the construction to pass in the Bolt config object so this: $this->mount('', new Routing()); or $app->mount('', new Routing()); becomes $this->mount('', new Routing($this['config'])); or $app->mount('', new Routing($app['config']));

However doing the above leads to another error:

Error: Uncaught exception 'LogicException' with message 'The "mount" method
takes either a "ControllerCollection" or a "ControllerProviderInterface"

This highlights another change, that you will need to take one of two approaches to refactor depending on what your original goal was in extending the native routing.

If you want to add additional routing requirements

If all you need to do is provide additional requirements (or override the existing ones) then you are best served by extending or replacing the new $app['controller.requirement'] rather than calling $app->mount() method. Here's an example:

$app['controller.requirement'] = $app->share(
    function ($app) {
        return new My\Custom\Routing($app['config']);

Note that you'll also need to check your routing.yml file and make sure you use the new service syntax controller.requirement:myCustomCheck rather than the old-style static class calls.

If you want to mount additional controllers

The routing.yml file can now point to a service to use as a controller so the best advice is to modify your routing file to point to a custom mounted service for instance:

    path: '/path-to-custom'
        _controller: 'controller.mycustomcontroller:doCustomStuff'

The routing file will then look for a controller mounted to $app['controller.mycustomcontroller'] and then look for the doCustomStuff() method. You will need to make sure that this mounted service implements ControllerProviderInterface and then you can safely remove any manual calls to $app->mount().


The console service has been removed in Bolt 3.7 if you see an error like:

Error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Identifier
"console" is not defined.' in /vendor/pimple/pimple/lib/Pimple.php:187

You need to replace the reference to $app['console'] with $app['nut'] the trace in the exception message should give you an indication of where the usage is.

Independent or Local Extensions

If your app uses local extensions or independently mounts them using $app['extensions']->register(new Extension()) or similar, then you will need to make sure they conform to the new extensions structure for Bolt 3.0.

The most common error will be:

Fatal error: Cannot override final method Bolt\Extension\AbstractExtension::getName()

You can safely rename getName() to getId() or remove the method altogether and allow Bolt to automatically name your extension.

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