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Nut command / Database / database:export

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Nut's database:export command exports the database records to a YAML or JSON file.


    php ./app/nut database:export [options]


Option Description
-f, --file=FILE A YAML or JSON file to use for export data. Must end with .yml, .yaml or .json
-d, --directory=DIRECTORY A destination directory. The command will automatically generate file names.
-c, --contenttype=CONTENTTYPE ContentType name to export records for (can be used multiple times). (multiple values allowed)


Exporting "Pages" ContentType records

$ php ./app/nut database:export --file=my-site-export.json --contenttype=pages

 [WARNING] This command operates on the current database, taking a backup is advised before export.

 Are you sure you want to continue with the export (yes/no) [yes]:
 > y

 ! [NOTE] Exported:

 * pages: 5 records

 [OK] Database exported to my-site-export.json

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