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Extending / Storage Layer / Working with Handlers

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 3.7. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?


Handlers are short segments of code that include an __invoke statement and executes queries. It is called to not only manipulate the query, but run the query and return a result set. If you are wanting to just manipulate the query, please look at the documentation for directives. Examples of a handler would be for pagination, searching, or selecting data from the database.

Lets take a look at an example:

 *  Handler class to perform select query and return a resultset.
class SelectQueryHandler
     * @param ContentQueryParser $contentQuery
     * @return QueryResultset
    public function __invoke(ContentQueryParser $contentQuery)
        //A result set to store all results
        $set = new QueryResultset();

        //Loop through all content types that need to be fetched
        foreach ($contentQuery->getContentTypes() as $contenttype) {

            //Grab the Select Query Service = https://github.com/bolt/bolt/blob/release/3.7/src/Storage/Query/SelectQuery.php
            $query = $contentQuery->getService('select');

            //Get the entity manager for the specified content type
            $repo = $contentQuery->getEntityManager()->getRepository($contenttype);

            //Set the query builder for the select query

            //Set the content type

            //Set any parameters that are defined with the content query

            //Run all of the directives that are specified, but skip over the limit directive
            $contentQuery->runDirectives($query, ['limit');

            //Query the results and store it
            $result = $repo->queryWith($query);
            if ($result) {
                //Add results to the result set/collection
                $set->add($result, $contenttype);
        if ($query->getSingleFetchMode()) {
            return $set->current();
        } else {
            return $set;

You can add the new handler by registering it with your parser. This can be done by the following code:

    $app['query.parser']->addHandler('select', new SelectQueryHandler());

Then you can run the handler by $app['query']->getContent("pages/select");

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