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Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 3.7. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

This page explains the various ways of installing Bolt. You can either use the command-line or your FTP-client to install it. There are different methods to install Bolt, but we recommend the Composer-based distribution as the fastest way to get an installation of Bolt up and running.

Quick install: A Composer-based distribution package
Quickly set up a Bolt installation, making use of the command line and the official distribution files

Additionally, there are several installation options that suit any preferred workflow:

  • Using 'composer create-project': Use our composer create-project installation method from the command for the greatest flexibility over folder structure in your project.
  • Creating your own Bootstrap: You can bootstrap the Bolt application in custom code, in order to integrate it fully into an existing project.
  • Manual download and extraction: Downloading the distribution file as a .zip or .tgz file. Use this to manually extract and upload using a traditional method like (S)FTP.

Use one of the four methods described above to get the Bolt source files, and set them up on your web server. After you've done this, skip to the section for Setting up Bolt.

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