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Nut command / Set-up / setup:sync

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 3.7. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Nut's setup:sync command synchronise a Bolt install private asset directories with the web root.


    php ./app/nut setup:sync [options]


Option Description
-t, --themes Copy example themes from bolt/themes into the site theme base-directory


$ ./app/nut setup:sync

Synchronising Bolt asset directories with the web root

 [OK] Directory synchronisation succeeded.
$ ./app/nut setup:sync --themes

 Continuing will copy/update the example themes into your installation, overwriting older copies. Is this OK? (yes/no) [yes]:

Installing theme: base-2016


Installing theme: skeleton


Synchronising Bolt asset directories with the web root

 [OK] Directory synchronisation succeeded.

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