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Internals / Routing

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 3.7. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Every request to a page on a Bolt website is routed to a Silex controller, regardless of whether the request is for a page in the back-end, front-end or asynchronous.

A controller is just a PHP method that returns a response to a request, and are grouped into collections in PHP classes. Bolt has three groups of controller collection classes, located in the Bolt\Controller namespace.

Class Description
Bolt\Controller\Frontend Routes serving end-user requests
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Authentication Login, logout & password reset handling
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Database Database checks & updates
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Extend Extension management
Bolt\Controller\Backend\FileManager File management & editing
Bolt\Controller\Backend\General General administration routes such as the dashboard
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Log System & change log management
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Records Content record editing
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Upload File upload handling
Bolt\Controller\Backend\Users User managment
Bolt\Controller\Async\Embed oEmbed request handline
Bolt\Controller\Async\FilesystemManager File CRUD requests
Bolt\Controller\Async\General General administration routes
Bolt\Controller\Async\Records Content record CRUD requests
Bolt\Controller\Async\Stack The "Stack"
Bolt\Controller\Async\Widget Extension Widget callback handling

You can modify some of the routing to suit your own needs in app/config/routing.yml.

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