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Other Information / Advanced installation details

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 2.2. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Whilst Bolt is designed to be simple for anyone to install, its core functionality is also modular and easy to configure for anyone who is comfortable making a few modifications to their bootstrap code.

By default Bolt ships with its own bootstrap file which is responsible for setting up and running a Bolt application. Most of the advanced configuration options are best attained by taking over this responsibility in your own application. In the root of your project you will see an index.php file that should look like this:

require_once __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';

Ideally you would replace the path to bootstrap.php with a link to your own bootstrap file, for example:

require_once __DIR__ . '/custom-bootstrap.php';

The basics of configuring a Bolt application

The job of your custom bootstrap file is to provide a bootstrapped $app object that the index.php file will then run. The simplest possible bootstrap file will look like this, assuming that your bootstrap file is in the same directory as your index.php file:

// custom-bootstrap.php
$configuration = new Bolt\Configuration\Standard(__DIR__);
$app = new Bolt\Application(array('resources'=>$configuration));

Installing Bolt as a composer package

As in the previous example, Bolt provides out of the box support for running as an installed Composer package, you will however need to make a couple of additions to your local composer.json file as well. Bootstrapping your app looks very similar but we will use the Composer configuration class instead.

// custom-bootstrap.php
$configuration = new Bolt\Configuration\Composer(__DIR__);
$app = new Bolt\Application(array('resources'=>$configuration));

Composer.json modifications

You also need to add the below to your composer.json file:

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [

        "bolt-web-dir": "./"

This will take care of copying the required assets from the vendor directory into your local project.

Customising your configuration

Your configuration that is passed into the Bolt\Application constructor is referred to throughout the execution of a Bolt app to decide what local resources to use, for instance whenever a Bolt component wants to write to the cache, it will ask your configuration what path to use. Here's a selection of some of the things you can alter before an app is initialised.

// custom-bootstrap.php
$configuration = new Bolt\Configuration\Standard(__DIR__);

// Some customisations:
$configuration->setPath('cache',    'my/custom/cache');
$configuration->setPath('config',   'my/custom/config');
$configuration->setPath('database', 'my/custom/database');
$configuration->setPath('files',    'my/custom/filestore');
$configuration->setPath('web',      'my/public');

$app = new Bolt\Application(array('resources'=>$configuration));

Mounting Bolt on an existing Application

A lot of work has been done on the internals of Bolt which allow it now to run as a self- contained HTTPKernelInterface application without interfering with any of the global namespace or constants. So if you use StackPHP (or similar) you can mount Bolt onto a url prefix as simply as this:

$map = [
    "/another" => new AnotherApplication(),
    "/blog" => new Bolt\Application(['resources'=>new Bolt\Configuration\Composer(__DIR__)])
$app = (new Stack\Builder())
    ->push('Stack\UrlMap', $map)

This means that you can, for instance, use Bolt to manage one specific part of a larger application set.

Keeping Code out of the Web Root

The basic installation is designed to be flexible for those users that may be limited to shared hosting environments. For this reason an out of the box installation will install the entire Bolt application in a single root directory.

As of version 2.0 the location of app resources is completely configurable so you only need to store public assets inside the web root directory. We would strongly recommend that you use this strategy if you have control over your hosting environment.

If you are happy using the command line installer then the Composer installer allows you to select a separate public directory and the rest of Bolt is stored a level below. See the full instructions here.

If you'd rather use the standard distribution and just run your own bootstrap then the following will have the same effect:

// root / bootstrap.php
$configuration = new Bolt\Configuration\Standard(__DIR__);
$configuration->setPath('web', 'public');
$app = new Bolt\Application(array('resources'=>$configuration));

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