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Working with Bolt / Relationships

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You can define relationships between records by adding a relation to contenttype.yml.

    name: Entries
    singular_name: Entry
            multiple: false
            label: Select a page
            order: -id

The relations are defined by the slug of the ContentType that it's related to. In the example above pages. It takes a few parameters:

Parameter Description
multiple true or false, to indicate whether the user can pick one related record, or more than one.
label The label to show on the edit screen.
order The order in which the items are listed on the edit screen. This can be any field in the ContentType. Prefix with - to reverse the sorting. In the case of the example, -id means that the records that were created last are at the top.
format How to show the titles for each record that can be selected. This takes a twig string where item is the record that can be selected. For example if you have two fields for firstname and lastname you might put '{{item.firstname}} {{item.lastname}}' here. The default is '{{ item.title|escape }} (№ {{ item.id }})'

Editing a record that has relations defined looks like this:

If you define a relation only one way, for example from entries to pages, but not the other way around, you will still see the references when editing the record that has a relation to another record. It looks like this:

If you see this, you might consider adding the reverse relation to the contenttype.yml as well.

Relations in templates

Internally, relations are stored and accessible in the Bolt\Record object. However, accessing record.relation will give you nothing but the ContentTypes and id's:

    {{ dump(record.relation) }}


    "pages"        => arr(1)
            0 => str(2) "45"
    "kitchensinks" => arr(2)
            0 => str(2) "12"
            1 => str(2) "23"

To get the actual related records, use the function related()

    {% set relatedrecords = record.related() %}
    {% if relatedrecords is not empty %}
        <p>Related content:</p>
        {% for related in relatedrecords %}
            <li><a href="{{ related.link }}">{{ related.title }}</a></li>
        {%  endfor %}
    {% endif %}

The related() function has two optional parameters. If you don't pass any parameters, you will get all related records, regardless of their ContentType. To retrieve only the related records of a specific ContentType, use:

    {% set relatedrecords = record.related('pages') %}

To request only one specific related record, pass the id as the second parameter:

    {% set relatedrecords = record.related('pages', 45) %}

To use pagination in a list of related records, use the ids of the related records in a setcontent tag:

    {% set ids = record.relation.news|join(" || ") %}
    {% setcontent messages = "news" where { id: ids } allowpaging limit 6 %}
    {% for item in messages %}
    {% endfor %}
    {{ pager('news') }}

Note: The related() function always returns an array of records, even if you request only a single record. In general, it's best to always use a {% for %}-loop, to iterate over the results.

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