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Extending Bolt / Creating a New Extension

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Creating a Bolt Extension or Theme

Extensions and themes that are published on the marketplace must follow a few simple rules to allow them to hook into a Bolt installation. Information about the package needs to be provided in JSON format in the root of a project.

To be hosted on the Bolt marketplace your project will need to be stored in a VCS repository and publicly readable. If you want to install your own extensions from somewhere other than the official Bolt marketplace then see the advanced documentation page.

PHP namespace

Extensions should use the PHP namespace of Bolt\Extension\{author name}\{exension name}\ e.g. Bolt\Extension\MyName\MyExtension\.

Using the Starter Package

To make getting setup with an extension as simple as possible there is a skeleton extension package that can get you started.

First, create the folder for your own 'vendor', inside the extensions/local folder. You should pick something that reflects your name or your company, not necesarily the functionality of the extension. You'll need to already have Composer installed. On the commandline, go to the extensions/ folder and use the following. Make sure you replace the last <myvendorname> and <newextname> with the names you want for your new extension.

mkdir local
mkdir local/<myvendorname>
cd local/<myvendorname>
composer create-project --no-install bolt/bolt-extension-starter:~1.0 <newextname>

Once you've run the above commands, Composer will create a new directory with the bare extension. You should then open the project in your editor and you will need to make a few changes, giving your new extension the correct configuration and namespaces. There are three files you need to edit, composer.json, init.php, and Extension.php.

  1. Change the namespace at the top of init.php and Extension.php to your own.
  2. In Extension.php, there's a function getName(). In it, change the name of the extension to yours.
  3. In composer.json change the name setting to your extension name eg: myvendorname/extensionname. For clarity, this should match the foldernames you've created a little earlier
  4. In composer.json give a description and a type, either bolt-extension or bolt-theme
  5. Add your contact information to the author section.
  6. In the autoload section update the PSR-4 namespace to the one you have used in your init.php and Extension.php files

The above steps will get you started, and below is some more indepth information about the configuration.

Extended starter extension

When you want a starter extension with more example code, create a new one from this repository instead of the above one.

composer create-project --no-install bolt/bolt-extension-starter-extended:~1.0 <newextname>

Tip: As noted in Installing Local Extensions, local extensions have no autoloader by default. Use include_once in Extension.php to load any additional class files you may create. If you move the extension to an external repository, remove the include_once lines.

The JSON file

You will need a file called composer.json in the root of your project. This tells Bolt all the information it requires to display and install your extension or theme. To demonstrate the format we are going to create a dummy extension called Bolt Widgets. Here's how we create our composer.json file.

    "name": "bolt/widgets",
    "description": "Bolt widgets is an awesome extension that features widgets on your website",
    "type": "bolt-extension",
    "keywords": ["bolt", "widgets", "awesome"],
    "require": {
        "bolt/bolt": ">=2.0,<3.0"
    "authors": [
            "name": "Bolt",
            "email": "info@bolt.cm",
            "homepage": "https://bolt.cm"
    "autoload": {
        "files": [
        "psr-4": {
            "Bolt\\Extension\\MyName\\MyExtension\\": "src"

All of the above information is required in order for your extension to be valid to publish on the Marketplace. Here's a step-by-step run through of what to put in each of the settings.


The name needs to be unique, no two packages on the Marketplace can share a name. We suggest that you use a username or company name as the first part and then a descriptive name as the second for example: myco/loremipsum, myco/funtheme


The description tells potential users of your extension or theme what is provided. Make this as accurate and informative as you can.


This identifies what type of package this is. For now the choices are bolt- extension or bolt-theme, it is important that you choose the correct type since extensions and themes are handled differently by Bolt.


These help users to discover your extension on the Marketplace site and are also used for grouping packages.


This is an important setting since it specifies what versions of Bolt your extension is compatible with, preventing users with an older or newer version from being able to install a broken extension. If you are unsure as to which versions to support we would recommend that you support the current major version, so for example if the current version of Bolt is 2.x then use: "bolt/bolt": ">=2.0,<3.0" this means that any version from 2.0 but not version 3.0 is supported.

Other possibilities would be: "bolt/bolt": ">=2.3,<3.0" or if you cannot support a range and only one specific version "bolt/bolt": "2.3". We wouldn't recommend this since it will require you to manually update your extension with every new Bolt version, but there may be occasions when it is necessary.


This gives users of your extension some information about the author. The email and homepage can either be just your personal details or if you want to provide more indepth documentation or a support address they can point to a specific extension site.


This configuration does two things, firstly you need to provide a file that initialises your extension, it's important that this file is kept as simple as possible, when it is run it will be provided with a single variable $app which is an instance of the running Bolt application. Here is the recommended file.

use Bolt\Extension\MyName\MyExtension\Extension;

$app['extensions']->register(new Extension());

Once the extension is registered, Bolt will take care of running the various hooks that you can define within your Extension class.

The second option allows you to define a directory to autoload your classes from. We recommend you use the same setting as in the example file: "psr-4": {"Myextension\\": "src"} This means that all classes you store inside the src directory will be autoloaded correctly.

Note that Bolt will only support PSR-4 autoload namespaces. For examples see here: php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/

Publishing Your Extension on the Marketplace

Once you have the above file setup, make sure it is pushed up to your hosted repository then visit market.bolt.cm to register your extension or theme on the Bolt Marketplace.

See the testing and debugging instructions for further information about tagging and automated testing of your extension.

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