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Field types / Geolocation

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A set of fields for easy selection of a geographic location. You can use the given address, the latitude, longitude, and the reverse geocoded address. To see the values that are stored, use {{ dump(page.geolocation) }}.

Tip: This field requires a `google_api_key` key to be set in the main config.

Basic Configuration:

            type: geolocation

Example usage in templates:

To insert a simple map from Google with a marker at the given location, use:

<img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={{ record.location.latitude }},{{ record.location.longitude }}&zoom=14&size=617x300&sensor=false&markers={{ record.location.latitude }},{{ record.location.longitude }}">

More info about these static maps, can be found at [Static Maps API V2 Developer Guide][1]. Of course, you can use the geolocations with any mapping service you like, since latitude and longitude is a common geographic coordinate system used by many services.

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