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Twig Components / Methods / sort

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sort(arrow = null) is a Twig filter to sort an array:

{% for user in users|sort %}
{% endfor %}

Note: Internally, Twig uses the PHP [asort](https://www.php.net/asort) function to maintain index association. It supports Traversable objects by transforming those to arrays.

You can pass an arrow function to sort the array:

{% set fruits = [
    { name: 'Apples', quantity: 5 }, 
    { name: 'Oranges', quantity: 2 }, 
    { name: 'Grapes', quantity: 4 },
] %}

{% for fruit in fruits|sort((a, b) => a.quantity <=> b.quantity)|column('name') %} 
    {{ fruit }} 
{% endfor %}

{# output in this order: Oranges, Grapes, Apples #} 

Note the usage of the spaceship operator to simplify the comparison.


  • arrow: An arrow function

Source: Twig

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