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Menu / A detailed example

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In this section we'll show you a somewhat more elaborate example of how you can create a menu, with submenus. First, start by adding a small menu to your config/bolt/menu.yaml-file:

  - label: Bolt
    link: https://boltcms.io
  - label: Example org
    link: http://example.org
  - label: Symfony
    link: https://symfony.com

As you can probably guess, this menu does nothing but provide links to three external websites. To get started, edit the template where you want this menu. Usually, menus are used in 'headers', 'footers' or 'aside' includes, but you can use them anywhere. For now, just insert this code, somewhere:

{{ menu('test', 'partials/_menu_test.twig') }}

This inserts the menu, using the template partials/_menu_test.twig template. The file probably isn't present yet, so create it in your own theme/-folder.

{% for item in menu %}
        <a href="{{ item.uri }}">{{ item.label }}</a>
{% endfor %}

Refresh a page that uses the template that you've added the {{ menu() }}-tag to in your browser, and you should see a very simple menu, with the following HTML-markup. Note that Bolt 'expands' a given contenttype and slug pairing in link to a functioning link as item.uri.

        <a href="https://boltcms.io">Bolt</a>
        <a href="http://example.org">Example org</a>
        <a href="https://symfony.com">Silex</a>

As you can see, the {% for %}-loop iterated over all of the items in the menu-array, and wrote out the HTML that you specified. Let's change our menu, so it has a submenu, listing some content on our site. In this example, we'll assume that you have a pages ContentType, and that records 1, 2 and 3 exist. If they don't, just replace them with some contenttype/id pairs that you do have. Edit the config/bolt/menu.yaml-file:

  - label: Bolt
    link: https://boltcms.io
  - label: All pages
    link: pages/
      - label: Page 1
        link: page/1
      - label: Page 2
        link: page/2
      - label: last page
        link: page/3
        class: my_class
  - label: Symfony
    link: https://symfony.com

Now, the menu template needs to be extended, so that the submenu is output as well. We'll do this by adding another {% for %}-loop. We'll wrap this loop in an {% if %}-tag to prevent Bolt from outputting empty lists in the HTML. For example:

{% for item in menu %}
    <li class="{{ item.class }}">
        <a href="{{ item.uri }}">{{ item.label }}</a>
        {% if item.submenu is defined %}
            {% for item in item.submenu %}
                <li class="{{ item.class }}">
                    <a href="{{ item.uri }}">{{ item.label }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The output in HTML might look like this now:

    <li class="">
        <a href="https://boltcms.io">Bolt</a>
    <li class="">
        <a href="/pages">All pages</a>
                <li class="">
                    <a href="/page/sic-consequentibus-vestris">Sic consequentibus vestris</a>
                <li class="">
                    <a href="/page/sublatis-prima-tolluntur">Sublatis prima tolluntur</a>
                <li class="my_class">
                    <a href="/page/tria-genera-bonorum">last page</a>
    <li class="">
        <a href="https://symfony.com">Symfony</a>

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