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Twig Components / Methods / excerpt

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excerpt(length = 280, includeTitle = false, focus = null, wrap = false) is a Twig filter create a short, text-only, excerpt of a record or a string. It's useful to get short blurbs of text for overview pages, listings, et cetera. If you pass it a string, it will simply strip out HTML and, reduce it to a given length:

{% set text = "Bonum patria: miserum exilium. Ut optime, secundum" %}
{{ text|excerpt(10) }}

=> Bonum pat…

If you get an excerpt of a Record, Bolt will attempt to get an excerpt that's representative of the Record. If it has a recognisable title, it will start with that, and it will use the other text-fields to complete it. In fact, it's the same function that's used in the Bolt backend, on the dashboard. See also extras.

{% setcontent page = "pages/1" %}
{{ page|excerpt(200) }}

=> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Videsne quam sit magna
dissensio? Cum ageremus, inquit, vitae beatum et eundem supremum diem, scribebamus haec.
Duo Reges: constructio int…

It is also possible to highlight a keyword in an excerpt, which can be used in search results.

{% set keyword = 'ageremus' %}{# this is the keyword you want to highlight #}
{% set include_title = false %}{# this will include the title in the results #}
{% setcontent page = "pages/1" %}
{{ page|excerpt(200, include_title, keyword|default('')) ) }}

=> …consectetur adipiscing elit. Videsne quam sit magna dissensio? Cum <mark>ageremus</mark>,
inquit, vitae beatum et eundem supremum diem, scribebamus haec. Duo Reges: constructio int…
Parameter Description
length The maximum length of the excerpt
includeTitle Whether to include the "title" in the excerpt or omit it
focus keyword to be highlighted with <mark> in the excerpt

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