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Getting Started / About Bolt

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 5.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Bolt is a tool for Content Management (a "CMS"), which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all: it's a joy to use.

It is made using modern Open Source libraries, and is best suited to build sites in HTML5 with modern markup.

Bolt is created for:

  • End users (read 'editors') that focus on producing and editing content.
  • Front-end developers / designers who want to set up websites where the CMS is flexible and easy to implement.
  • Developers who need a system that's easy to manage, flexible and versatile.

End users / Editors

As a content editor, using Bolt is about writing and editing content. So we optimized of Bolt's user interface to make it clear and user friendly. You don't have to know anything about HTML, CSS or other code, just start creating content.

Getting started for editors:
User Manual

Front-end developers / designers

You know HTML/CSS and some basic JavaScript. To create a working site out of your static HTML, you'll need to know about the building blocks of Bolt.

Getting started for front-end developers and designers:
Building templates


You have a knowledge of Symfony and you either want to customize a Bolt website to your exact needs, you want to build a project on top of Bolt, or you wish to contribute to the ecosystem by creating Extensions. You'll want to know about configuring Bolt, its inner workings and how to create extensions.

Getting started for developers:
Configuring Bolt
Introduction to extensions

Creating Bolt, we wanted to focus on creating something simple, straightforward and enjoyable.

Bolt concentrates on being a content management system with a small footprint. Being built on modular, loosely coupled components it is an ideal foundation for projects large and small.

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